Threat Assessment, Incident Management and Prevention Services (TIPS)
The Threat Assessment, Incident Management and Prevention Services (TIPS) reporting system allows for reports to be made by students, parents, faculty, staff, neighbors and anyone in the community concerned about the safety of our students and schools. Reports can be made confidentially, and anonymously, any time you know of a concerning or threatening situation by completing an online form at [SCHOOL WEBSITE GOES HERE]. School and district level personnel are notified immediately when your report is submitted and your case will be investigated and appropriate action taken. Examples of threats that could be reported through TIPS include instances of Assault, Bullying, Bus Incident, Cyber-bullying, Drugs/Alcohol, Parent Complaint, Possession of Weapons, School Vandalism, Self-Harm or Suicidal Ideation, Student Assistance Referral, Suspected Abuse/Safety Concern, Suspension Appeal, Threats of Violence and Truancy.