Hurtado Program
April 6, 2017
We are very proud of our Hurtado Scholars!
The Hurtado program was established to help fifth grade students from Holy Cross,...Read more
Take Your Can to School Day!
March 27, 2017
Take Your Can to School Day!
On April 12 th , our school will participate in Harvester’s Take Your Can to...Read more
Easter Egg Hunt
March 27, 2017
PTO Easter Egg Hunt
Mark your calendars to join us in fellowship at our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday...Read more
Yard Signs
March 27, 2017
Yard Signs
It’s that time again, please help us by proudly displaying yard signs in your yard for open enrollment. These...Read more
CANCELLED: Love & Logic Parenting Workshops
March 3, 2017
St. Regis Families,
Love & Logic Parenting Workshops have been cancelled.Read more
4th Annual Luau and Silent Auction
Auction Items
March 3, 2017
More details will come the closer we get to the date of the auction. If you know anyone willing to sponser or donate items...Read more