September 19th, 2016

St. Regis Families,

Catholic 101 is tomorrow night!  Tuesday, 9/20, we will host an informational session for you to discover what your student(s) is being taught during Religion class.  Fr. Sean McCaffery will be there to answer any questions or concerns about your student(s) understanding of the Catholic faith.  This session will be held in Mary’s Room from 7:00-8:00pm.  Please come and learn more about the Catholic faith.

The Back to School Picnic has been cancelled due to the weather forecast.  The picnic will not be rescheduled at this time due to other already scheduled functions.  It is the hopes of PTO to plan a movie night later this fall or early winter.

Protecting God’s Children will be held at St. Regis this Saturday (9/24) from 9:00-12:00 pm in Mary’s Room.  All volunteers must complete the EIM, a background check, and take Protecting God’s Children.  Protecting God’s Children is provide for no-cost.  Please complete your required coursework to help support our school.

You will receive text message from Remind this week.  This is a new program we will be using to share out information in our community.  Your cell phone number is not shared through this program.  The text is not a group text that allows for correspondence to other members in the group or return texts.  We are hopeful this will be a more effective way to communicate reminders for events or important school information.  Thank you for your support with this program!

Luau Planning is just around the corner!  We will have our first planning meeting on Thursday, October 6th, at 7pm in Room 109.  Please join us to make this event a success! I look forward to seeing you!

Parent Teacher Conferences are just a few short weeks away. Please make sure to schedule your conferences with your student’s teacher.  Teachers will send out a schedule to allow you to sign up at your convenience. Conferences will begin the evening of  Wednesday, 10/19, from 4:00-7:00pm. Thursday, 10/20, is a half day with a 12:15pm dismissal to allow for conferences from 1:00-8:00pm.


Saturday, 9/24, Protecting God’s Children, 9:00am-Noon in Mary’s Room

Saturday, 9/24, Back to School Picnic Rescheduled!

Sunday, 9/25, 1st Quarter All School Mass, 10:30am

Monday, 9/26, Watch D.O.G.  Meeting, 6:30-7:30pm

Thursday, 9/29, Confirmation, 7:00pm

Thursday, 9/29, SAB Mtg, 7:00 pm

Friday, 9/30, All School Class Retreats,  8th Grade Retreat at Conception Abbey

Thursday, 10/6, Luau Meeting 7:00pm, Rm 109

Saturday, 10/8, Fall Festival 6:00-8:00pm

Tuesday, 10/11, End of First Quarter

Wednesday, 10/12, Service Wed./Spirit Wear, Cancer Awareness

Thursday, 10/13, PTO Mtg., 7:00pm

Friday, 10/14, NO SCHOOL

Friday-Sunday, 10/14-16, Kansas Speedway Fundraiser


September 20, 2016 - 2:44pm

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