Rock Fest

Are you planning to attend Rock Fest this year?  How would you like to attend for free?  Please help us support our school by volunteering your time at Rockfest.

We have been asked to help with RockFest – it’s moving from Liberty Memorial to Kansas Speedway this year. 

If interested, please reply back as soon as possible as group spots will fill quickly.  There will also be a mandatory beverage training prior to the event (Dates to be released TBD). All locations will be beer and liquor only with very high volume. 

Two shifts - ONE meet at OHS @ 8:30 and work at Rockfest @ KS Speedway until 4:30 - 5 when second shift arrives. Second shift @ KS Speedway at 4 and work until event is over & inventory done (between 12:30 and 1:30 after the concert).  Please click on the link below to sign up to volunteer.


Drums 31359 960 720



March 27, 2017 - 3:14pm

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