Eagle's Update 9/26/16

St. Regis Families,

    Please join us at the Fall Festival, Saturday, October 8th, from 5:30-8:00pm.  Wristbands are on sale for $10.00 in the office and following Mass.  You will also be able to purchase the wristbands and tickets at the event.  Some of the activities include a bounce house, obstacle course, hayrides, food, live music and more!  Please consider volunteering for one of the game booths. Your time will count towards volunteer hours for first quarter.  Please go to http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0d4eabaa29abf94-fall to sign up today!

    Luau Planning is just around the corner!  We will have our first planning meeting on Thursday, October 6th, at 7:00pm in Room 109.  Please join us to make this event a success! I look forward to seeing you!

    Are you a Nascar fan?  On October 14th-16th we will participate in the KS Speedway fundraiser event.   If you are concerned about your volunteer hours, this is the opportunity for you!  Participating in this fundraiser will provide you with two quarters worth of volunteer hours, a free lunch, a chance to network with other parents and a chance to see the race for free.  This fundraiser is an awesome opportunity for us to participate in. The more parents we can get involved, the more money we earn to help support our community.  Please be on the lookout for a signupgenius.

      Parent Teacher Conferences are just a few short weeks away. Please make sure to schedule your conferences with your student’s teacher.  Teachers will send out a schedule to allow you to sign up at your convenience. Conferences will begin the evening of  Wednesday, October 19th, from 4:00-7:00pm.  Thursday, October 20th, is a half day with a 12:15pm dismissal to allow for conferences from 1:00-8:00pm.

September 26, 2016 - 1:42pm

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